We may not have it all together, but together we have it all...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Things I love...

That I have a husband who loves me
That I'm a Mother
That even though I hate Birthday's and adding a older number to my age, I so enjoy the learning experiences each year brings...
That I have good friends and family that live close
That I love blogging and staying close to those that are far away
That I love being Blonde
That I have a daughter, who everyday makes me glad I'm her Mom...
That my life is pretty dang good...
That you only get one life, so don't cut it short, no regrets only learning experiences, lots of laughter and accomplishing all that you never thought you could...


♥ et said...

I really enjoy getting to know you better through your cute blogs.

heidi said...

great list... i love that i'm blond to, its fun

Ever + Kelsey said...

Hey Stacey! I didn't know you had a blog too! It looks like you keep yours up a lot better than I do mine. I love the previous post about Kenzie sticking her fingers in her ears! She's a character and the fact that she's so cute doesn't hurt either!

Brittany said...

Cute post Stacey!!! You are so great at blogging...keep it up!