We may not have it all together, but together we have it all...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

This may be TMI - for some... No one ever Told Me!

That once you have kids you become a human napkin
That when you begin breastfeeding your nipples will feel better if they just fall off
That you will never need an alam clock again
That from now on you will worry about everything that little person does or doesn't do
That your heart will be filled with more joy then you ever knew
That 4 hours of sleep is good
That your new purse is the diaper bag ( and if you thought it was heavy before) just wait!
That your heart would grow 10 times more then you ever thought possible
That just when you have figured out what your doing - everything will change
That to you, they are the cutest kid ever
That sometimes you may not be able to figure out what is wrong- so have a good cry!
That you can stare at your new little angel and never get sick of it
That you may wonder if there is a class to teach you all the baby gagets
That you will work harder then you ever thought to bring this child- Joy, Love and security
That you finally know how much your parents love you


♥ et said...

That is hilarious, all true mind you. Hope you had a happy mother's day! I really like the playlist, it's a great one!

Brittany said...

Stacey, it was great to see you today, this is our blog, so check it out! Love ya,